Day 26 of the 45 Day Paleo Challenge


Day 26 of the 45 Day Paleo Challenge

Happy Valentine’s Day!! If only I could eat the many delicious looking tempting snacks on the shelves of stores today… damn you Hallmark. Damn you.

Workout was a leisurely 3mi/hr walk on the treadmill for 20min to complete my mile.

Breakfast: I nibbled on cake while I was making it for my son’s birthday; sometimes it just gets stuck to your fingers… at least I didn’t look like cookie monster eating cookies.
Snack: none
Lunch: more of my amazing stir fry with balsamic vinegar.
Snack: Tried another kiwi today — this one tasted fermented. WTF?! I have never had this issue with Costco produce.
Dinner: We had a potluck of fruits and veggies at the Valentine’s day party I attended. It was *very* difficult to avoid the dairy, snacks, pastas, garlic bread… but I did it.

It was a pretty laid back day.

Until tomorrow.

~Clearly Unbalanced Momma

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