The Struggle is Real…


I struggle daily with a chronic first world syndrome. My case is pretty severe and I wanted to share my story with you.

My syndrome is called, “Oh, shiny!”

It is a serious problem both professionally and personally. I’m chronically distracted.

It is debilitating to my professional career. I feel that I never know enough, that “this program” is what I need next, and if I just get this product created, added, or stock a certain supplement — I will finally — *finally* I will have what I need to implement my programs with my clients.

Personally — it makes me a financial disaster. My husband has forbidden infomercials in the house. Seriously, by the end — I need it. The new kitchen gadget, yard tool, the hair straightener — it is a *MUST HAVE*. NOW. (I have a pixie hair cut!!! WTF?! How did they almost suck me in again?!)

And my kids are enablers.
Kids: “Mom, I saw this thing about XYZ — we need to have one — are you going to buy it?”
Me: “No, don’t be ridiculous — why do we need…” (searching Google for XYZ).  “Hunny! Come check out…”
Husband: “No.”

I have decided to combat this syndrome with a first world plan.

I’ve partnered up with a graduate of the same health coaching program as myself. We met online by chance and met in person a few weeks ago. We chatted for about 3 hours outside of a Starbucks. She is awesome — together we are going to help each other.

We are both mommas to large families (yes, by choice), health coaches, homeschooling the broods, and we want to help people, share our knowledge with others, and make an impact in our circles and hopefully ripple out to the world.

Our plan is to be each others accountability partners, set goals (SMALL goals — let’s not go crazy here), and complete them. I’m going to list my goals here — YIKES!

We will check-in with each other once a week and keep each other accountable (accountability partner might suggest this, maybe.), AND most importantly keep one another encouraged and motivated.


My Goals: (contrary to popular belief — I’m not setting a timeline to these… so maybe this is a to-do list and not “goals”)

1) Find a home school schedule that fits our family better (work in progress)
2) Shut off email notifications to my smart phone — completed July 1, 2014
3) Delete the Facebook Messenger App from my smart phone — completed July 17, 2014
4) Adjust Facebook notifications being sent to my phone — completed July 17, 2014
5) Set times to check Facebook/emails to stay focused during the day/be more productive (work in progress)
6) No phone/computer during meal times (I’m the queen of trying to multi-task at inopportune times) — completed July 1st, 2014 — (although, it is still something that is a daily temptation)
7) Create webinars for homeschooling/military families around health topics (brainstorming topics — secondary goal — 1st topic chosen by Monday July 21).
8) Create in-person workshops for homeschooling/military families around health topics
9) Automate my webinars so they can be purchased from my website at anytime
10) Have my family help out with after dinner chores — system created July 10th, 2014
11) Have my family become more independent with chores
12) Make money from home; while homeschooling; to help when we grow our family and buy a house
13) Actively use coupon apps/Swagbucks for Christmas/spending $$$


I will be adding to my goals — and I will be creating quick blog posts about how I completed each goal and how I feel about it!


Have you ever found yourself in a rut, continuing old habits that are getting you no where, or needing a change (personal or professional?)

What did you do about it; if anything?



Swearing — It’s a gift


So I swear, a lot. I’m actually surprised that my children’s first words weren’t more… colorful.

There are problems with being a chronic swear-er. Problems like — being out in public, judge-y looks, children picking up bad habits, church events, and embarrassing others you are with — almost always in public.

An article on Buzzfeed says it all. Hysterical.

19 Problems All Women Who Love Cursing Know To Be True

Can you add any more to the list??

Dinner Fail – Chicken Zucchini Soup


What do you do when you menu plan, buy all the right foods, and all the foods rot in the fridge before you get to use them? You have a dinner fail. That was us last evening.

I had every intention of using the zucchini in the fridge — until I took it out. The bag was slimy and the zucchini was spotted. Yum. *gag*

It was 45min until dinner was to be completed (in order for the rest of our nightly routine to not fall apart) — what the heck was I gonna make now?! Remember we are eating through our pantry this week and I’m trying not to buy anything until Monday.

I. Might. Not. Make. It.

So I made Chicken-no zucchini soup!

4 chicken breasts — diced/cooked
1 Onion — chopped
4 – 14.5oz cans of diced tomatoes
1/2 head of “riced” cauliflower
1/2 bag of “Fresh Express” spinach
1.5 cartons of chicken broth
salt/pepper/italian seasoning — to taste
Coconut sugar to add a little sweetness to the canned tomatoes
Olive oil to brown the chicken chunks

Brown chicken in pan with olive oil and diced onions. (optional: add salt/pepper/and italian seasonings — or add later).
Throw everything else in pot and boil for 30min

We didn’t even have left overs!! — This was a HUGE hit with the kids! We allowed them to eat the leftover crackers and melba toasts in the house — we are cleaning out!!!

For other quick gluten/grain free inner ideas (minus the crackers, of course!) — check out the Grain-Free Solution System

Inspirational – Bruno Mars


Today I needed a “pick-me-up” and inspirational story to feel like the world isn’t going to hell in a hand basket. Especially, on days like today where the kids are pushing every “let’s see how quickly we can get mom spun up” buttons.

I came across this recent story about Bruno Mars’ music helping a victim of a drunk driving accident — during her recovery.

I’m a holistic healer and there is no doubt about my beliefs on the healing properties of music, aromatherapy, herbs, essential oils, massage, healthy eating, etc.

Whether you are a Bruno Mars fan or not… this was super sweet and the inspiration I was looking for.

I cried. Silent, sweet tears.

He not only dedicated the song to Zumyah Thorpe, he serenaded her, and gifted with fedora and guitar to her — he made an impact in her life before this with just his music — this however, steps it up.

Zumyah is also an inspiration to others — She could easily fall down the slippery slope of the “why me’s” — but her will and determination to come back so far after her horrific accident and tragic losses of her family is amazing.  She will do more great things in this world.

Watch the video — her smile is priceless. Gather the tissues and check the surroundings of your cubicles at work first!!

Rogue Recipe!



This recipe is not all that “bad” for you — *BUT* it certainly isn’t Paleo — but it sounded soooo good I couldn’t pass up sharing it. Right. Now.

I’m a sucker for anything PUMPKIN!

We are making this at some point this week and I will update my review — but I couldn’t keep this little gem a secret!!

Cruisin’ the web looking for recipes to help me eat during our bi-mthly “eat through the pantry”. Trying to keep everything as “clean” as possible — but my biggest concern is staying gluten free.

I came across Pumpkin — yup. PUMPKIN Macaroni and Cheese.
I’m so excited!!! I will be making modifications for gluten free pasta and experimenting with different flours to see which one we like best… (rice, coconut, almond, quinoa, etc) but I’m thinking this will make it to… “THE” list of go-to recipes.

The website of awesomeness is: Real Food. Real Deals. She has a list of 30 healthy meals for $1/serving!!

Also, on this list of meals — Macaroni and Cheese Muffins?!?!


Mind. Blown.

Paleo Lunches


Paleo “Power Lunches”

I love eating like a caveman… hunting and gathering the things I need for my meals.

It is exhilarating!

However, we live in a suburban hell — not too many free range buffalo to pick from. And the neighbors don’t look to kindly on you peering over their fence to check out their pets as potential grub.

So how do I stay on track? How do I feed the kids lunches outside the home? Find out how I pack Paleo for our summer beach trips. Want the secrets to easy Paleo lunches? Pack lunches in minutes!!

I love Paleo Power Lunch. It helps me to have go-to lunch ideas, stay paleo outside the home, feel good about sending my kids out the door with good wholesome lunches (eliminating some mom guilt), and with all the good tips, weekly planner sheets, and checklists included — it helps me manage my time!! (WIN!)

Paleo Recipe Show Down


Happy 4th of July!!! (a little late!)

I know I have disappeared since I did the Paleo challenge — got emotionally stressed — quit — and threw a tantrum, old school. Not apologizing — just summarizing.

But I’m back — and I haven’t quite given up on Paleo and the healthy way of eating… I like healthy. I’m a health coach.

But I’m also a mom and military spouse and I like cheap, easy, and yummy!! (Bonus points if the kids will eat it too!!)

Today we are having a Paleo Show Down!!

I had some zucchini in the fridge that needed to be used and I needed to bring a dessert to the 4th of July BBQ we attended this weekend. In full disclosure – we had never made chocolate zucchini cake/bread before (paleo or otherwise). After searching the internet and my favorite Paleo sites — I found these two recipes. Both had ingredients that I had on hand, easy to follow directions, and didn’t include a bunch of crazy prepping!! (ain’t nobody got time for that sh*t).

We have two different chocolate zucchini breads from two awesome websites!!

On the left is the Blue Team: Living Healthy w/ Chocolate:

And on the right is the Red Team: PaleOMG:



**I made both recipes as directed with no alterations — I did however not have “mini loaf” pans — so they were cooked in big pans**

Waiting for them to bake and cool is torture. I WANT SNACKS!!

Results are in!!

First let me say both of these recipes were really good!! But there were slight differences that might make you decide for one over the other.

The Blue Team: (results compiled from whole family review)
looks like chocolate chip brownie
falls apart easily (in a crumbly delicious brownie/cake type of way)
kids felt is was “dry” (I thought they were nuts)


The Red Team: (results compiled from whole family review)
looks like a banana bread
toastable/more dense
smells like fudge
has more a a cinnamon flavor/after taste


We asked the kids to “rename” the desserts they tried — collectively the new name is: “Healthy Chocolate Awesomeness”!!

We will be making these again for sure!!

We also toasted “red team’s” the next morning buttered on the griddle. YUM! (not sure the blue team’s would have held up on the griddle).

What is the “Paleo” craze all about? Want to eliminate dairy/gluten from your diet but aren’t sure where to start??

Try the 30 day guide to the Paleo Diet: Click Here!